Samolot MITSUBISHI A6M5 "Zero" (rozmiar 46 - Warbird category) Samolot Mitsubishi A6M5 Zero był najlepszym japońskim myśliwcem II Wojny Światowej. Japoński Zero był zdecydowanie najsłynniejszym z japońskich myśliwców II wojny światowej. Popularne "Zero"…
Samolot BEECHCRAFT BONANZA (rozmiar 46 EP-GP) Beechcraft Bonanza to amerykański samolot lotnictwa ogólnego wprowadzony do użytku w 1947 roku przez Beech Aircraft Corporation z Wichita w stanie Kansas. Sześciomiejscowy, jednosilnikowy samolot jest nadal…
Cessna 208 50 rozmiar EP-GP Cessna 208 Caravan to samolot użytkowy produkowany przez firmę Cessna. Projekt rozpoczęto 20 listopada 1981 r., a prototyp oblatano 9 grudnia 1982 r. Model produkcyjny został certyfikowany przez FAA w październiku 1984 r.,…
Cessna 208 50 rozmiar EP-GP Cessna 208 Caravan to samolot użytkowy produkowany przez firmę Cessna. Projekt rozpoczęto 20 listopada 1981 r., a prototyp oblatano 9 grudnia 1982 r. Model produkcyjny został certyfikowany przez FAA w październiku 1984 r.,…
Dago Red Mustang (46 size - Warbird category) Dago Red is a North American P-51 Mustang (44-74996), restored as a competitive air racer by Frank Taylor in 1981. Dago Red holds several world records, including the 15 km (517.323 mph) set in 1983. Frank…
Dornier Do 27 (46 size EP/GP - Civilian category/ Zebra version) The Do 27 was developed from the Do 25, an aircraft originally designed to a Spanish military requirement for a light utility aircraft. The Do 27 seated four to six and the original prototype…
F-8F Bearcat (rozmiar 30 cm3 EP/GP – kategoria warbird) Grumman F8F Bearcat był jednosilnikowym amerykańskim samolotem myśliwskim wprowadzonym pod koniec II Wojny Światowej. W połowie XX wieku służył w Marynarce Wojennej Stanów Zjednoczonych, Korpusie…
Fly Baby (46 size - Civilian category) Homebuilt aircraft have long been a popular way to enter the world of full size general aviation. One of the original homebuilts is the Bower’s Fly Baby. The design is as famous in EAA home-built aircraft circles…
Fw-190A Focke-Wulf (60-90 size - warbird category) The Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Würger (English: Shrike) was a German single-seat, single-engine fighter aircraft designed by Kurt Tank in the late 1930s and widely used during World War II. Powered by a radial…
Samolot L-4A GRASSHOPPER (rozmiar 46 - kategoria Warbird) Najlepszy wybór jako model trenerka klasy 46 dla modelarzy lubiących dodatkowo wygląd w skali. Specyfikacja : - Rozpiętość skrzydeł : 1620 mm (63,7 cala) - Długość kadłuba : 1250 mm (49,2 cala)…
Junker JU-52 (20 size EP - civilian) The Junkers Ju-52 is affectionately called "Aunt Ju" and came originally from the Junkers Flugzeugwerke AG in Dessau. Originally designed as a cargo plane, the Ju-52 was later used primarily as a commercial airliner.…
King Quest Kodiak (20cc size EP/GP) The Quest Kodiak (now Daher Kodiak) is an American utility aircraft designed and built by Quest Aircraft. The high-wing, unpressurized, single- engined turboprop has a fixed tricycle landing gear and is suitable…
L-19 Bird Dog (50-55 EP-GP ) Olive version The Cessna L-19/O-1 Bird Dog is a liaison and observation aircraft. It was the first all-metal fixed-wing aircraft ordered for and by the United States Army following the Army Air Forces' separation from it…
L-19 Bird Dog (50-55 EP-GP ) Silver version The Cessna L-19/O-1 Bird Dog is a liaison and observation aircraft. It was the first all-metal fixed-wing aircraft ordered for and by the United States Army following the Army Air Forces' separation from it…
MARACANA (46 size - Sport category) Some models are just easy. Easy to Fly, Easy to Assemble, Easy to Setup. The Maracana 46 is just that: Easy. This is a pilot's airplane, designed for pure joy, pure fun, pure model airplane flying. Low wing and constant…
Samolot MESSERSCHMITT ME-109 (46 rozmiar 46 - kategoria warbird) Messerschmitt ME-109 (znany również jako BF-109) to najsłynniejszy samolot bojowy niemieckiego lotnictwa podczas II Wojny Światowej, biorący udział we wszystkich wydarzeniach wojennych…
Monaro Sport 60 (60-90 size - sport & trainer category) Monaro 60 size EP-GP is designed for Trainer .You can choose Tail Wheel or Nose Wheel in a same plane. Specifications: - Wingspan: 1710mm (67.3 in.) - Fuselage: 1030mm (40.5 in.) - Weight: 3,3…
P-51B (Berlin Express ) (46 size - Warbird category) The P-51 Mustang is one of the most famous US fighters of WW II. The P-51B Mustang was the first Merlin-engine version and appeared in 1943. The Merlin-powered Mustangs were exactly what the Allied…
P-51B Mustang (46 size - Warbird category) The P-51 Mustang is one of the most famous US fighters of WW II. The P-51B Mustang was the first Merlin-engine version and appeared in 1943. The Merlin-powered Mustangs were exactly what the Allied bombers…
P-51B Mustang (46 size - Warbird category) The P-51 Mustang is one of the most famous US fighters of WW II. The P-51B Mustang was the first Merlin-engine version and appeared in 1943. The Merlin-powered Mustangs were exactly what the Allied bombers…
Mustang P-51D VooDoo (rozmiar 46 – kategoria Warbird) P-51D Mustang to jeden z najsłynniejszych amerykańskich myśliwców II wojny światowej. Jednak prezentowana wersja Mustanga P-51 nie jest samolotem bojowym a zwycięzcą Pylon Racer w Reno. Jest wysoce…
Samolot P-38 Lighting (rozmiar 46 EP-GP – kategoria warbird) Lockheed P-38 Lightning był amerykańskim myśliwcem z II Wojny Światowej. Opracowany na potrzeby Korpusu Powietrznego Armii Stanów Zjednoczonych, P-38 miał charakterystyczne cechy. To podwójne…
P-40 Curtiss Kitty Hawk (60-90 size - warbird category) The Curtiss P-40 Warhawk was an American single-engined, single-seat, all-metal fighter and ground-attack aircraft that first flew in 1938. The P-40 design was a modification of the previous Curtiss…
Piper PA-18 Super Cub (rozmiar 30 cm3 EP/GP – kategoria cywilna) Piper PA-18 Super Cub to dwumiejscowy i jednosilnikowy górnopłat. Został wprowadzony na rynek w 1949 roku przez Piper Aircraft. W ciągu blisko 40 lat produkcji zbudowano ponad 9 000 egzemplarzy.…
Piper PA-22 Tri-Pacer (kategoria cywilna) Tri-Pacer to jeden z najbardziej unikalnych samolotów cywilnych, który jest nadal popularny wśród pilotów lotnictwa ogólnego. Jego wybaczająca błędy konstrukcja, ekonomiczna eksploatacja i dobry wygląd sprawiają,…
P-38 Tomahawk (60 size EP-GP) Red-Blue version The Tomahawk is a single-engined low-wing cantilever monoplane with a T-tail and an enclosed cabin for two. It has a fixed tricycle landing gear and is powered by a Lycoming O-235 four-cylinder piston engine…
Specyfikacja : - Rozpiętość skrzydeł : 2720 mm (107 in.) - Długość kadłuba : 2000 mm (78.7 in.) - Waga (gotowy do lotu) : 6.5 - 7.0 kg - Zalecany silnik benzynowy : 26 cc - 30 cc - Zalecany silnik elektryczny : odpowiedni zamiennik silnika spalinowego…
Pilatus PC-6 46 size EP/GP (Swiss version) The full size Pilatus PC-6 is a known 'STOL' workhorse capable of operating in rugged, short-field conditions for light transport roles, both civilian and military. This accurate replica of the Pilatus PC-6…
Pilatus PC-6 (tiger version) The full size Pilatus PC-6 is a known 'STOL' workhorse capable of operating in rugged, short-field conditions for light transport roles, both civilian and military. This accurate replica of the Pilatus PC-6 features an…
Pilatus PC-6 -90 size EP-GP Tiger version (Wingspan 2.1 meters) The VP-1 is an all-wood, strut-braced open-cockpit single-seat low-wing aircraft designed for amateur construction. Designed to be simple to build and safe to fly, performance and appearance…
J3 - CUB U.S. ARMY (46 size - scale warbird category) The Piper J-3 Cub is a small, simple, light aircraft that was built between 1937 and 1947 by Piper Aircraft. With tandem (fore and aft) seating, it was intended for flight training but became one…
Piper PA-18 Super Cub (30cc size EP/GP - US version) The Piper PA-18 Super Cub is a two-seat, single-engine monoplane. Introduced in 1949 by Piper Aircraft, it was developed from the lt Piper PA-11, and traces its lineage back through the J-3 to the…
Piper PA-18 Super Cub (46 size - US version) The Piper PA-18 Super Cub is a two-seat, single-engine monoplane. Introduced in 1949 by Piper Aircraft , it was developed from the Piper PA-11 , and traces its lineage back through the J-3 to the Taylor…
Trener SIRIUS (klasa 46) Model przystosowany zarówno pod montaż silnika elektrycznego (EP) jak i spalinowego (GP). Specyfikacja: - rozpiętość : 1530 mm (60,2") - kadłub : 1130 mm (44.5") - waga : ok 2300-2500 g (5.1 - 5.5lbs) - zalecany silnik spalinowy…
Space Walker The space walker is a perfect model to introduce you to semi-scale world. This is an icon of American civil aircrafts. Particularly appreciated by amateur aircraft makers, who are all members of the EAA (experimental aircraft association),…
P-47B Touch of Texas - SS Series (46-55 size EP-GP with Battery hatch) The Republic P-47B Touch of Tesxas was a World War II era fighter aircraft produced by the United States from 1941 through 1945. Its primary armament was eight .50-caliber machine…
TIGER MOTH DH-82 (46 size EP-GP with battery hatch / Dark - Blue version) The de Havilland DH-82 Tiger Moth is a 1930s biplane designed by Geoffrey de Havilland and built by the de Havilland Aircraft Company. It was operated by the Royal Air Force…
TIGER MOTH DH-82 (46 size EP-GP with battery hatch) The de Havilland DH-82 Tiger Moth is a 1930s biplane designed by Geoffrey de Havilland and built by the de Havilland Aircraft Company. It was operated by the Royal Air Force (RAF) and many other…
WASP (46 size - trainer category) The WASP is a fine trainer for beginners to start with or as a re-trainer for more experienced pilots after a break. It does all you can ask of a trainer, and then keeps you entertained afterwards. It has plenty of…